Whitebox and Playtesting

The play test of my white box level game me plenty of useful criticism to work with for making the level more engaging. To list off the notes I got the feedback was:

Make the level longer.

Make the platforming section more interesting with enemies or traps.

Extend the platforming sequence.

Add checkpoint/respawn before the boss.

Add more enemies.

Make treeline in starting area impenetrable.

Of all this advice I decided to focus on fixing the treeline and the idea of extending the level by making the platforming section longer and more challenging. The reason I chose to focus on these was mostly due to the fact that combat, enemies and even player death are all incomplete as far as coding. But the treeline was easily fixable and a high priority and the platforming was all good to go as far as coding, and was very well received by testers. What I wound up changing was I first added more "trees" until they made an impenetrable wall around the player, forcing them forward. Next I extended the platforming room by adding two more platforms which introduce and test an aspect of the controls none of the testers noticed. The two combat rooms were left untouched by this and are mostly the same, though the second combat room with the boss is further away from where is used to be.

Attached are two images of the platforming room before the changes and one image of the room after the changes, then are two images, one for the before and after.

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