First Level Update

After the last play test I finally added some AI to the enemies which means the combat can finally work with an enemy that is actively trying to hurt the player. I also brought the walls closer together on the sides of the platforming room since it was a bunch of unused space before. After these adjustments were made the level was played again and I got some pretty good feedback.

The tester was mostly satisfied with what was presented though a few obvious issues needed fixing like more interesting enemy AI, but their insight was that the enemies the player first finds could be orientated in a more interesting way to make use of their simple AI, and that given how easy they are to kill adding a few more couldn't hurt. The other bit of feedback they gave was that a UI element that has the controls listed would be useful for the player as one of the obstacles requires the player to understand a part of the controls that isn't directly stated in order to progress.

Taking all of this in going forward I'll adjust the enemy placements, add a control list and fix the enemy AI. Ultimately I want this level to act as a good place for the player to come to understand the mechanics so AI that properly challenges them and a way to check the controls would be the best way to make sure they learn. In addition to this I intend to add a kind of gate that only lifts when the player kills all the enemies in a room in order to make them interact with the combat mechanics and learn.

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